Hanan Kohen and Dov Dori,
"Designing and Developing OPCloud, an OPM-Based Collaborative Software Environment, in a Mixed Academic and Industrial Setting: An Experience Report",
Academia Letters, 2021, doi:10.20935/al1918 2020
Uri Shani, Niva Wengrowicz, Hanan Kohen, Daniel Gluskin, Rea Lavi, and Dov Dori,
"Integrating Real-Time Modeling and Assessment into a MOOC Environment for Teaching Model-Based Systems Engineering",
Proc. 14th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon2020), Aug. 24-27, 2020 (virtual). pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SysCon47679.2020.9275851; https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9275851 We have designed, developed and deployed a unique edX massive open online course (MOOC) environment for teaching Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with Object-Process Methodology (OPM) ISO 19450. In this environment, OPCloud, an OPM cloud-based conceptual modeling environment, has been embedded in the edX environment. This has enabled us, as the course instructors, to teach MBSE with an industrial-strength tool that students can experience first-hand. Students received real-time feedback on their performance, along with guidance on what they missed and the option to resubmit. We describe the architecture of this combined MOOC-modeling environment and report on preliminary performance results.
Uri Shani, Niva Wengrowicz, Hanan Kohen, Daniel Gluskin, Rea Lavi, and Dov Dori,
"Integrating Real-Time Modeling and Assessment into a MOOC Environment for Teaching Model-Based Systems Engineering",
Proc. 14th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon2020), Aug. 24-27, 2020 (virtual). pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SysCon47679.2020.9275851; https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9275851 We have designed, developed and deployed a unique edX massive open online course (MOOC) environment for teaching Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with Object-Process Methodology (OPM) ISO 19450. In this environment, OPCloud, an OPM cloud-based conceptual modeling environment, has been embedded in the edX environment. This has enabled us, as the course instructors, to teach MBSE with an industrial-strength tool that students can experience first-hand. Students received real-time feedback on their performance, along with guidance on what they missed and the option to resubmit. We describe the architecture of this combined MOOC-modeling environment and report on preliminary performance results.
Natali Levi-Soskin, Ron Shaoul, Hanan Kohen, Ahmad Jbara, and Dov Dori,
"Model-Based Diagnosis with FTTell: Assessing the Potential for Pediatric Failure to Thrive (FTT) During the Perinatal Stage",
EuroSymposium, Gdansk, Poland, Sept. 19, 2019. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP, volume 359) Models have traditionally been mostly either prescriptive, expressing the function, structure and behavior of a system-to-be, or descriptive, specifying a system so it can be understood and analyzed. In this work, we offer a third kind—diagnostic models. We have built a model for assessing potential pediatric failure to thrive (FTT) during the perinatal stage. Although FTT is commonly found in young children and has been studied extensively, the exact etiology is often not clear. The ideal solution is for a pediatrician to input pertinent data and information in a single tool in order to obtain some assessment on the
potential etiology. We present FTTell—an executable model-based medical knowledge aggregation and diagnosis tool, in which the qualitative considerations and quantitative parameters of the problem are modeled using a Methodical Approach to Executable Integrative Modeling (MAXIM)—an extended version of Object-Process Methodology (OPM) ISO 19450, focusing on the perinatal stage. The efficacy of the tool is demonstrated on three real-life cases, and the tool’s diagnosis outcomes may be compared with and critiqued by a domain expert.
Dov Dori,
"Model-Based Systems Engineering: Conceptual modeling languages and their standardization efforts",
Keynote Speech, 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM’09) and 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI’09), Shanghai, China, November 7-8, 2009 2008
Arnon Sturm, Onn Shehory, and Dov Dori,
"Engineering Mobile Agents",
Proc. ICEIS-2008 – 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, June 13-16, 2008 2006
Dov Dori, Roman Feldman, and Arnon Sturm,
"n OPM-based Method for Transformation of Operational System Model to Data Warehouse Model",
IEEE International Conference on Software Science, Technology, and Engineering (SwSTE’05), Herzeliya, Israel, pp. 57-66, 2005 2004
Benjamin Koo, A-P Hurd, David Loda, Dov Dori, and Edward F. Crawley,
"Architecting Systems under Uncertainty with Object-Process Networks",
Proc. International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS’04), Boston, MA, USA, May 16-21, 2004 2003
Eran Toch, Dov Dori, and Iris Reinhartz-Berger,
"OPM/S: Semantic Information Systems Engineering Using OPM",
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Software Science, Technology, and Engineering (SwESTE’03), Herzelia, Israel, November 4-5, 2003 Moderator, with Brian Henderson-Sellers, Andreas L. Opdahl, and Oscar Pastor – Panellists,
"Ontological Evaluation of System Modeling",
Panel in 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2003), Chicago Illinois, October 13-16, 2003 Dov Dori, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, and Arnon Sturm,
Developing Complex Systems with Object-Process Methodology using OPCAT. Industrial Presentation in Proc. 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2003), Chicago Illinois, October 13-16, 2003 Jian Zhai, Liu Wenyin, Dov Dori, and Qing Li,
"Line Drawings Degradation Model for Performance Characterization",
A. Proc. 7th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2003), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 1020-1025, August 3-6, 2003 2002
Liu Wenyin and Dov Dori,
"The Arc Segmentation Contest",
Proc. Fourth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, pp. 500-502, 2001 2001
Dov Dori and Liu Wenyin,
"Automated CAD Conversion with the Machine Drawing Understanding System: Concepts, Algorithms, and Performance",
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 29, 4, pp.411-416, 1999 1998